董步云:Stable Diffusion |一键变出明星脸

海外的小姐姐召唤师@BD 5.15 日发布了新的模型 BreakDomain_m 2150,新的模型对细节的处理更自然,和之前的 BreakDro 系列不同,BreakDomain 系列的输出将更像一个插图或动画,这个版本对于建筑和背景做了更好的优化,实测下来对一些机甲类的输出也有提升。这是第二部分,第一部分在此:
董步云:自然语言提示特辑:主角登场篇 No.1
  • Platform:Stable Diffusion automatic1111 WebUI
  • Model:BreakDomain_m2150文末公众号回复工具包可获取
  • VAE:vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned. Ckpt
  • 大家不必执着于复现,理解 Prompt 对生成图片的影响,才是最重要的。
  • 这一系列的教程,都得到了原作者的授权,也希望大家尽量关注原作者,这也是我对原作者的承诺。


董步云:Prompt 输入扩展功能超进化!


Absurdres, highres, ultra detailed, (1 girl: 1.3),BREAK,粘贴到这里

Negative Prompt

EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality: 1.4), nsfw, (blush: 1.3), logo

Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, 由于这里主要是主角的形象,Seed 就不贴了大家自由发挥

Create an image of a bionic animal, with mechanical enhancements, advanced abilities, and a futuristic appearance.
Design a warrior of light, with radiant armor, wielding the power of light to vanquish darkness and evil.
Capture a scene from a mysterious masked ball, with elegant attire, hidden identities, and a sense of intrigue.
Illustrate a volcanic spirit, with a body of molten rock, the ability to control lava, and a connection to the earth's fiery core.
Create an image of a chronomancer, a time-manipulating mage with the power to alter the flow of time and peer into the past and future.
Design a virtual reality avatar, a digital representation of a user within a virtual world, showcasing their unique appearance and abilities.
Illustrate an ice queen, with the power to control ice and snow, creating a realm of frozen beauty and chilling elegance.
Capture a resident of a miniature world, with tiny features, intricate details, and a sense of wonder and exploration.
Create an image of a destructive demon, with fearsome features, dark powers, and a thirst for chaos and ruin.
Design a humanoid plant, with features resembling flowers, leaves, and vines, and a deep connection to the earth and nature.
Illustrate a guardian spirit beast, a powerful mythical creature that protects sacred places and serves as a loyal companion.
Capture a painter with a magical brush, able to bring their creations to life and imbue them with unique abilities.
Create an image of a weightless dancer, defying gravity as they gracefully move through the air.
Design a character from an animated world, with exaggerated features, vibrant colors, and a unique style.
Illustrate an aerialist with the ability to control the wind, performing breathtaking feats of acrobatics in the sky.
Capture an invisible person, with their presence only hinted at by their surroundings, evoking a sense of mystery and intrigue.
Create an image of a cyborg ninja, with advanced technology, enhanced agility, and the skills of a master assassin.
Design a charismatic figure from the realm of dreams, with the ability to inspire and captivate those they encounter
Illustrate a mutant leader, with unique powers, rallying their fellow mutants to stand up for their rights and fight for acceptance.
Create an image of a ghost ship captain, with a spectral appearance, commanding a crew of spirits and navigating the mysterious seas.
Design a moon goddess, with lunar-inspired attire, the power to control the tides, and a connection to the night sky.
Illustrate a gravity controller, with the ability to manipulate gravitational forces, bending the laws of physics to their will.
Capture a fusion of machine and living creature, with integrated technology, organic components, and a striking visual blend of the two.
Create an image of an enchanting mermaid, with a shimmering tail, captivating beauty, and a siren's song that lures sailors to their doom.
Design a being within a magical mirror, with the power to show reflections of the past, present, and future or reveal hidden truths.
Illustrate a thunder god, wielding the power of lightning and storms, commanding the skies with a booming voice and a fearsome presence.
Capture a sage with infinite knowledge, their wisdom granting them insight into the mysteries of the universe and the secrets of time.
Create an image of an alchemist with a magical tome, using ancient knowledge to perform miraculous feats of transmutation and creation.
Design a sand master, with the power to control sandstorms, manipulate desert landscapes, and harness the might of the scorching sun.
Illustrate a guardian of giant trees, a powerful being that protects ancient forests and nurtures the growth of new life.

喝水不忘挖井人,请大家小蓝鸟上关注作者,也可以关注我的公众号@DeemXRview,最近会比较密集的发布一些新的 AIGC 工具,帮助大家更好地生成 AI 内容。最近 C 站的登录也不太寻常,需要常用的 Model 和 LoRA 的小伙伴,也可以公众号回复工具包,已经把常用的 Model 和 LoRA 打包好了。

董步云:LoRA |输出像绘本中的插图一样的图像董步云:Stable Diffusion |用AI生成艺术字体效果董步云:Stable Diffusion |用 Hipoly 3D LoRA 插件解决手指问题的偏方董步云:Stable Diffusion |一键变出明星脸董步云:50种有趣的效果提示(2)董步云:RPG勇者图鉴(3)董步云:Prompt图书馆 散落世界的花纹(4)董步云:Prompt语法小课堂 前后顺序和BREAK用法的影响董步云:Prompt 输入扩展功能超进化!董步云:Prompt图书馆 60个唯美场景,与AI小姐姐相伴一生(2)董步云:ControlNet 1.1+Tile,太神奇了! 可玩性极强!董步云:关于LoRA、LyCORIS和LoCon的类型说明、使用方法和插件神器(结尾提供改参数Excel表格)董步云:Prompt小课堂 如何用AI插图创作恐怖漫画董步云:技术和版权的博弈,亚洲模型的希望BRA(Beautiful Realistic Asians)V4 夭折的故事


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